On the road: Luxembourg to Wehingen (DE) and back
Today I’m #ontheroad towards Germany on assignment for a customer success story photo reportage. This is about industrial photography, proudly working for the company #FANUC, leader in the Factory Automation. And so I’ve had a new idea: as I’m very often on
Tabernas desert – Travel stories from Andalusia
The very beginning of my road trip in Andalusia was immediately wonderful. After landing in Alicante and made a stop in the ugly city of Torre Vieja we left the coast and the landscape started to change often becoming ever more arid
10 Giorni in Andalusia, con la Leica SL e…
Ci siamo, come una notte prima degli esami, la vigilia di una partenza è sempre ricca di adrenalina per me. Le domande sono sempre le stesse: cosa metto nella borsa? O, peggio, quale borsa scelgo per questo viaggio